Thick as Thieves (Book 11 in A Kenni Lowry Mystery series) by Tonya Kappes, eBook, 253 pages
Synopsis from GoodReads: Sheriff Kenni Lowry should be blissfully planning her wedding, but Cottonwood, Kentucky has other plans. When Judge Horace Blackwell is found murdered in his chambers, Kenni is thrown into a case packed with family feuds, a mysterious inheritance, and secrets buried—literally—beneath the town. With her ghostly Poppa offering his usual (and sometimes unwelcome) advice, her trusty hound Duke, and her fiancé Finn by her side, Kenni is racing to solve the case before the killer strikes again. As the trail winds through high-stakes poker games, long-forgotten tunnels, and scandalous secrets, Kenni realizes the culprit may be closer to home than she ever imagined. Can Kenni crack the case and keep her wedding plans on track, or will the murderer make sure she never makes it to “I do”?
BOOK REVIEW: In case you haven't figured it out, I love a good cozy mystery and between Tonya Kappes and Kathleen Suzette, I have a never ending list to read! This is another new-to-me series by this author and it did not disappoint! I loved it. The small town feel is becoming more like my every day life as it is. Case and point, one of my neighbors has such a large extended family that when I pulled up to the bus stop this morning with my daughter, one of her daycare parents was there dropping off his kids and he had his nephew with him...who is like my neighbor's 4th cousin. Small world...small town...ya know!
I love getting to meet new characters. Again these are new to me characters. Everyone is so colorful! I did highlight two things that I want to share because I literally laughed out loud when I read them. First one is from Kenni and she said, "I was going to try to put this head of hair up in a ponytail, but Lord knows the higher the hair the closer to God, and right now, I need all His help I can get solving the murder fast." It really is the underlined part that got me. Then there is the exchange between two of her friends: "This is nuts," Gina muttered, holding her light higher as if expecting the ceiling to cave in. "We're wandering through an underground tunnel in the middle of the night. In wedding dresses." "And we're not even drunk," Jolee added, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "This would make way more sense if champagne was involved." I mean who can't relate to doing something weird or crazy and thinking wow...and I'm sober for this. This get's a 4.5 star rating for me. Really the biggest thing that kept throwing me was the time of day that the murder took place. It happened in the morning but then it seemed to be referenced at night. I think one time I saw it noted at 9pm but I think that was a typo...but then the characters will say something about the night of the murder and talking about something that happened the night before the murder. It happened a few times and I'm not sure if it was supposed to say the night prior instead of the night of the murder but it kept confusing me. Other than that big confusion, I loved this and I can't wait to see what happens next!
4.5/5 Stars
2025 Reading Challenge: 14/50 complete