I had a rough June as far as running went. I did get most of my runs for my Low Heart Rate training done but then we got hit with a heat wave at the end of the month and that wiped out all of my runs that I wanted to do. I could have done them on the treadmill but quite frankly, this perimenopause season that I'm going through made treadmill running a HARD PASS!
I did manage to get 9.76 miles done. Seeing in just 2 weeks my recovery runs getting more distance in the same time frame is making me feel a little better however I still don't like 1.1 miles in 25 minutes. I should also note that all the running workouts that I did complete were on the treadmill...probably why I also passed the week of the heat wave. I've been terrible at my cross training, strength training and stretching. I haven't skipped a warm up but I have skipped the post run stretch. I did however hit my century stretch class on Peloton!
I don't have much else to tell for June. July will have some more details than this month because...well...treadmill drama. I am excited to take the low heart rate training into a 10 miler training. I'm not looking to PR in my 10 miler this year. Last year was great because it was the first time I ran 10 miles without a walk break. I want to use this method to build my base, in case I hadn't mentioned it before, to get me better equipped for my half marathon training that will most likely start in January. I guess I'll see y'all next month!