Oh boy! What kind of sinus infection/cold sticks around for almost 2 weeks? I mean come on! By the end of the week I was finally feeling normal. I was able to breathe. I have next to no sinus pressure and I don't feel like I have any congestion! I can't believe that I have completed 1/4 of my half marathon training. I mentioned this last week but this week I determined that my easy pace was going to be bumped up to 4.3 on the treadmill. I used that as my steady pace for my run last week and I honestly didn't feel any difference when I was alternating between 4.0 and 4.3. However, I received my next 4 week training block and weeks 6 and 7 are going to be ran outside so I'm not sure if I'm actually going to increase my easy pace. This next block looks difficult but we'll get to that when the time comes! Let's see the recap for this week! THE TRAINING
Total Running Time: 1 hour 58 minutes
Total Miles: 8.26 miles

Hey there Emily Prentiss! It feels so weird running 3 days a week and having it start on Tuesday. Knocked out a 35 minute easy run at 4.0 on the treadmill for a total of 2.44 miles. Y'all!!! Can I just tell you how hard it was to NOT take this 35 minute run outside and try to run a 5K in this amount of time? I know I can do it but that isn't the pace that I am supposed to be running at. I mean...you saw that it took 45 minutes to run 3.12 miles last week because I am running at my easy pace. I felt good and obviously got sweaty! I also found a place to set up my box fan so it blows on me while I'm running but still getting a great sweat on! Sweating out the rest of those sick bugs!

This run got me. Like I felt good when I finished but my legs felt like they were being tested! This run was similar to my run last week in that I started and finished my run with 5 minutes at an easy pace of 4.0. Between there were four intervals alternating between 4 minutes steady pace (4.4 - increased from last week) and 3 minutes of easy pace (4.0). Bumping that steady pace to 4.4 was a great idea. This run was 38 minutes and I ran 2.7 miles. This run also helped me complete my second milestone for the Yellowstone 150 Mile Challenge.

I don't know why but THIS run on Saturday felt like the hardest run. This was a 45 minute run at an easy pace of 4.0 and I ran 3.12 miles just like last Saturday. I actually started counting down the amount of time I had left from the very first minute! My body just didn't feel like a 45 minute run but I changed up what I was watching...straying away from serial killers to watch demons (The Conjuring 2).
I didn't meal plan this week since I was still sick...and I straight up just forgot. It's all good though because we have plenty of food in our fridge, freezers (yes plural) and pantry. I will have a good meal plan for next week BUT I totally forgot to mention this in last week's post. I have been running with my shoes ties fairly loosely because the bottom of my feet were getting tingly and numb from tying them a little too tight. While I don't really feel like my feet are sliding in my shoes, I could feel that for longer distances I could end up rubbing my heels raw so after a quick Google search, I landed on this article!
Originally I was looking for the info to tie the Runner's Loop using the very top hole in the shoe that no one ever uses and don't even know why it's there. But check out the description of Window Lacing. Yeah...it's jumped out at me too! When tying my shoes so they don't slip, the laces come right across the top of my foot and place just enough force on that pressure point to cause the tingling and numbness that I was experiencing in my feet. This week I've been running with the Window Lacing technique and have had to make some minor tightness adjustments to the lacing closest to my toes to make that not too tight but overall I am running without any tingling and numbness! I'm so glad that I found this out now and I'm able to train like this so that when the time comes to run my half marathon my feet will thank me! THE FOOD I did not meal plan this week and the scale reflected such. I hate that I said I would start sharing my food with you and then I get sick, fail to plan, and then have nothing to share with y'all! I did forget to order my groceries so I'll be heading to the store tonight to pick up the things I need and I made next week's meal plan super simple. One breakfast for the whole week, I'm making one lunch that will 4 servings and I have different items I can pull from the freezer for the other 3 days and I'll have 2 different dinners. I can't wait to share those with y'all and (if I can) I'll share a recipe or two.