This was my first full week working and oh boy did I learn so much about my time management and prioritizing my workouts! When I did my onboarding a couple weeks ago, my coworker said something along the lines of how she didn't know how I used to get up so early (5am) to workout before work and I was like if I didn't do it that early then it wouldn't get done...the thought of getting up at 5am now is horrible especially since I struggle to get up at 7am or even 8am most days! Well...I need to start getting up at like 7am to do my workouts and runs because clearly my idea of working out during my 2 hour lunch break is NOT happening! Case and point...
REMINDER OF WHAT I WAS SUPPOSED TO DO Monday: Recovery/Rest Day (stack - 30 min Restorative Yoga)
Tuesday: 4 miles (live - 15 min Relaxing Meditation)
Wednesday: Full Body Strength (stack - 30 min Full Body Strength)
Thursday: 3 miles (live - 20 min Reset Yoga)
Friday: Full Body Strength (live - 30 min Bodyweight Strength)
Saturday: 3 miles or Rest (live - 10 min Calming Meditation)
Sunday:5 mile Long Run (live - 30 min Slow Flow Yoga)
TOTAL MILES: 8 (this should have been 12-15 miles)
TOTAL TIME: 2h 14m 33s
Day 1 - Rest Day

I 100% allowed the day to get away from me. I totally could have done the yoga during my lunch but I didn't. I finished my day and could have gone directly into my room and done the class but I didn't. I thought about doing it before bed and just crawled into bed instead. It was my first full day of work (only 4 hours but getting into a groove) so I was trying to figure out how to fit things in!
Day 2 - Rest accident

I fully planned to run my 4 miles during lunch. I ate and by the time I thought my food had settled, there wasn't enough time to do all 4 miles and I'm still in this weird headspace that I can't break up my run...I could have done 2 miles and then 2 miles later...but I decided to wait and then made dinner and was gonna wait until dinner settled and then I said not today!
Day 3 - 30min Restorative Yoga & 30 min Full Body Strength

I almost forgot to take a picture but managed to grab this before I went upstairs! I did the yoga class I was supposed to do on Monday during my lunch block! I don't know how I feel about it though because I spent the majority of the class talking to my mom who was trying not to respond to a nosey neighbor (long story...and not mine to tell) but that's the beauty of restorative yoga...just holding beautiful stretches! After dinner I went down to the gym to do my strength training. We used one set of weights for all the exercises. I didn't finish the ladder workout but I think I got close (I forgot to write it down). The ladder was 2 snatches on the right, 2 snatches on the left, 2 push ups, and 2 tucks ups. Then you do 4 of each, then 6, then 4, and 2. I think I made it to the top and started my way down and either got the 4 snatches done and then the push ups or just the snatches. Again...I forgot to note it and I can't remember.
Day 4 - 20 min Yoga

This was supposed to be a 3 mile run but I opted for some yoga instead. This session wasn't my jam. The instructor was energetic but not my vibe. At one point we were down in lizard pose and he just casually says to lift your front foot off the ground a couple of inches...I'm sorry what...
Yeah, thoughts exactly!
Day 5 - Accidental Rest Day

This was all around a crappy day. I spent the morning working and was trying to determine if I needed to work on Monday or not because it's a federal holiday here in the US. I took a 1 hour lunch instead of 2 thinking that I would get an answer shortly after I clocked back in as to if I needed to work. I didn't get an answer until 5pm after I clocked out. I opted to work 5 hours and take Monday off and have four 5 hour work days for the pay period. Don't really know if that's right or wrong but I'm going with it! I was ready to do my bodyweight workout after dinner but just had nothing left in the tank!
Day 6 - 3 mile Run/Walk

I slept like garbage Friday night and woke up feeling hungover on Saturday...but I didn't drink anything Friday night. I clenched my jaw so much throughout the night that it took until about 2pm before I could actually get my jaw to close enough to be able to chew anything. I did drink my (expired by a lot) preworkout when I woke up thinking I would just do it and get it over with but it didn't kick in so I drank some coffee. While I was waiting to be able to eat, my new preworkout came and I thought oh let's give this a try! I drank half a serving just to see plus it says 1 scoop for workouts under 45 minutes and my 3 miles would be just over 45 minutes but not enough to justify a full 2 scoop serving...then I looked at how much caffeine is in my new stuff...350mg! Let's recap this...half serving of new preworkout was 175mg, my old preworkout had 200mg (but it is very expired so not sure how much potency it has left), and half a pot of coffee. Yeah...I thought my body was going to hate me. I decided to run/walk this 3 miles. I alternated a quarter mile each at 1% incline. First mile I ran 4.1 and walked 3.0, second mile I ran 4.5 and walked 3.0, and third mile I ran 5.0 and walked 3.0. The last walk portion I dropped the incline to 0% and 2.0 speed when I got to the final tenth of a mile.
Day 7 - 5 mile Long Run

I still wasn't feeling up to's been a funky week. I decided to do the same run/walk pattern as Saturday. I used the first mile as a warm up and did 1% incline, 4.1 run and 3.0 for walks. Then I did a 30 minute Disney run on Peloton and that got me to about 2.8 miles. I walked at 3.0 to the 3 mile mark and then went back to the run/walk. Mile 3-4 ran at 5.0 and mile 4-5 ran at 5.5. The final walk, at 4.9 miles I dropped to 0% incline and 2.5 speed and at 4.95 dropped to 2.0 until 5 mile mark! Finally done with this week and I hope that next week is better!
So the obstacle is work, right? That's what we have gathered from this week. I'm off on Monday, Tuesday - Thursday I'll have a 1 hour lunch, and Friday back to my regular 2 hour lunch. All my work days will start at 10am and end at 4pm. Here is the plan. Alarm will be set for 7am and I'll have my preworkout on my nightstand. As soon as my alarm goes off, I'll chug it and get up. As I'm getting ready, the pre will kick in, and then I can go downstairs and crush my workout. That should give me enough time to shower and do my Bible reading before I start work. I can't wait to report back next week and let y'all know how it works out! I hope I'm reporting good news!
Monday: Recovery/Rest Day (Live: 7:30am 20 min Yoga Flow)
Tuesday: 4 miles + Speed Play 1 Rd 1 (Stack: 10 min Gratitude Meditation post run)
Wednesday: 4 miles + Core workout (Stack: 15 min Standing Core post run)
Thursday: 30 min Cross Training (Stack: 30 min Hike)
Friday: Full Body Strength (Live: 7:30am 30 min Roll Call Full Body)
Saturday: 3 miles (Live: 8:30am 10 min Morning Meditation pre run)
Sunday: 9 mile Long Run (Stack: 15 min Meditation for Healing post run)