Coming off of a week of sinus pressure and stuffiness and just basically miserable from the neck up, it's a new week, new training plan, and still early enough to not be beating myself up for missing most of my workouts and runs last week! Cheers to a better week...right?!

TOTAL TIME: 1h 00m 32s

Day 1 - Foam Rolling & Restorative Yoga
My back was feeling really tight but like my mid/upper back...not my lower back which is usually the culprit. I did a 15 minute full body foam rolling session and then ended the day with a 30 minute restorative yoga class and a 10 minute meditation. I didn't get any pictures because...foam rolling and yoga...duh!
Day 2 - 3 miles + hills

At this point, if you're a runner or a Swiftie, you've probably heard that part of Taylor Swift's training for The Eras Tour was running on the treadmill. She ran to her whole set list. She sang all the songs, running during the faster songs and walking/slow jogging during the slower songs. I took this as my own challenge.
I found a scenic run on YouTube (there were commercials every 15 minutes and that irritated me), and I picked NSYNC's No Strings Attached album to run to. I ran the faster songs starting at 4.0 and went up but didn't keep track. I walked the slower songs between 2.5 and 3.5. I really challenged myself with "Bringin' Da Noise" by increasing my speed by 0.1 every time they said the title of the song. I have no idea where I started or ended but it got fast!
Once I hit 3 miles I walked for a minute to get my heart rate down. My hills were 8 sets at 20 seconds. I went up to 10% incline and started the timer when speed got up to 6.0. My recovery walks lasted anywhere from 1 - 1.5 minutes.
Day 3 through 7 - I got sick again!
I am so over being sick! I started feeling flu like symptoms but mostly body aches. I even called the nurse line about the sinus pressure I had been experiencing and by the end of the call had decided to go to Urgent Care in the morning after bus drop off. My body had other plans.
Wednesday night I spiked a fever of 100.4. I spent the night freezing and sweating. I was peeling my layers off. I was so cold when the fever first came on and shaking so hard that I almost couldn't open the Nyquil capsules packaging. Thursday I spent the day singing to the porcelain Gods. I finally got some saltine crackers to stay down and woke up Friday morning feeling decent. My husband got our daughter ready for school while I took a shower and when I got out of the shower I looked in my throat and decided I had to go to Urgent Care because for the first time in almost 40 years I had strep throat!
I isolated the whole weekend, taking my meds, trying to stay hydrated and failing, and just taking it one day at a time!
I hope all of this ish has passed and I won't have to worry about being sick the rest of training. I don't know that I see anything that could cause any hiccups. It's going to be cooler in the mornings and since I've been sick if I run outside I'll probably go late morning when it's at least in the 40s. My husband is supposed to go hunting next weekend which could throw off my long run Saturday but we also have a birthday party on Saturday so I might just rearrange some things. We'll have to see.
