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BOOKENDS Book Review

image is black, gray, and white. sign hanging from a wall with a horse on it and the sign has the title in the middle and the author's name in the bottom left corner.

Bookends by Ella Hayes, eBook, 136 pages

Synopsis from GoodReads: Silvia Wright works at a hole-in-the-wall bookstore, spending her days obsessing over the works of romance novelist Daniel Cassidy. Like something out of one of his books, Daniel wanders into her store one day. As their romance blossoms, outside forces threaten to destroy her personal life and dreams, all of it coming back to Daniel.

BOOK REVIEW: I have been struggling with this one and I think it's because it feels like I'm reading my own thoughts. It is the way she thinks that Silvia and I are a lot alike. I want to read to escape my brain...not read more into it. Once I got passed that, I started to enjoy the story. It is the chance meeting. The accidental bump into on the street. The wondering will I ever see him again kind of story that was sweet.

I was thrown off a little throughout the story because it seemed like it was being told in the first person but then she would address the reader. It happened so infrequently that I usually had to read that section again because it didn't make sense. I have to admit that I am an overthinker and some of the things that Silvia talks about and goes through are similar to my own experiences (not that I dated a famous author but just life) so I felt like I really connected with a main character. Every part of me wishes I could work in a small town book store but I don't have one in my town and I don't have the money to open one otherwise I totally would open a place just like Bookends.

My rating is a 4.5 really because of what I said at the beginning. I felt like I was in my own head and I like to escape my head when I read. I am glad that I was able to read this prior to it's re-release. I would definitely recommend this to someone who likes the slow building romance. I would love to know what the author wants to do next and would like to read more by her.

4.5/5 Stars

2024 Reading Challenge: 39/50 complete

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